Gorące oferty w Pula, Croatia
Odkrywaj Pula w wynajętym samochodzie
Planujesz podróż do Pula? Nie marnuj kolejnej minuty i zarezerwuj wynajęty samochód. Im wcześniej to zrobisz, tym będzie taniej. W całym mieście jest kilka punktów odbioru: Airport, Downtown, Hotels Delivery and elsewhere. Prosta i szybka jazda i doświadczanie piękna Pula to coś, co możesz robić przez cały dzień, nie męcząc się tym. Turystyczne niebo, prawda?Lista<br>lokalizacji w tym mieście:
Wypożyczalnie w tym mieście:
I started to get acquainted with the company from the cheapest cars, because I didn’t understand how the whole system works and was worried that they would not deceive me and take advantage of my ignorance. The site has a lot of information, so I quickly adapted. Now I rent those cars that I like, I don’t worry about the service.
Carl Davies, 21 Luty 2019
There is nothing to compare, but the service was pleasant.
Spirina Alena, 11 Kwiecień 2018
I came across the site Bookingcar.su. Many positive reviews, I dared to try to hire a car. I figured out the system myself, left a request, with me, literally an hour later, an expert contacted us and we placed an order. I booked fiat punto for 6 days. During this time, no breakage, no knock. He listened very much and wanted to find faults. I skated with pleasure, next time I'll take something from the suite. It is interesting to compare how different the state of machines is.
Valerian, 02 Marsz 2017