Gorące oferty w Split, Airport, Croatia
Odkrywaj Split w wynajętym samochodzie
Szukasz wakacji, które zaniemówią? Croatia właśnie to zrobi. Wynajmij samochód i podróżuj z miasta do miasta, odbierając wypożyczony pojazd w najdogodniejszym biurze wynajmu, np. od Airport. Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz na BookingCar-Europe.com. Nasi doświadczeni specjaliści pomogą Ci uzyskać najlepszą ofertę wynajmu samochodu z Airport.Inne lokalizacje w tym mieście:
Hotels Delivery
Delivery within city limits
Delivery within country limits
Split Aci Marina
Main Railway Station
Radisson Blu Resort Hotel
It turns out that the credit card should be really valid for half a year after you return the car. But when I placed an order in Split, I did not know this. There, the bill was literally a couple of weeks, in short, I had to reissue the card ahead of schedule. At Bookingcar, everything is serious and it’s better to find out everything in advance
On many cars in this direction were discounts. Surprised, but still decided to save money. The car was given a normal one. Off-road car for the price of a mini is certainly very profitable. I will remember the distributor and from time to time I will monitor the proposals
Armored mazda cx 5. Average price tag, machine super
A good selection of cars on the machine.
Many complain that it is not convenient to pick up a car at the airport, they say the queue. I did not encounter this. I came to the counter, everything was ready, there were formalities. Inspection of the car did not take much. Everyone was pleased. Next time again here for the car