Gorące oferty w Prague, Airport, Czech Republic
Odkrywaj Prague w wynajętym samochodzie
Miłośnicy przygód udają się do Czech Republic, aby jak najlepiej wykorzystać swoje wakacje. Wyjątkową przygodę czeka wypożyczenie samochodu (np. z Airport) i wyjazd w ciekawe miejsca. My w BookingCar-Europe.com możemy polecić Ci odpowiednie pojazdy na Twoją podróż i zorganizować odbiór wynajętego samochodu z Airport.Inne lokalizacje w tym mieście:
Enough advantageous offers from this distributor and like that the reservation can be done through a consultant. I somehow do not risk doing it myself, suddenly I do not notice something, but with a specialist it's calmer. And so it turns out faster
Booked on Bookingcar.su. Everything is fast and convenient
Well, that did not lead to suggestions from popular distributors. Here the service is much better
I selected a car for Bookingcar.su. I stopped at this distributor solely on the basis of price policy. I do not really understand what is so special to me if I rent a car with a difference of 2 values, for example. I was satisfied with the state of the car, and the efficiency of the consultants. We were not forced to wait, not counting the queue. If you compare the rental price and the level of service, it is definitely worth it.
The car is not very satisfied with it, it was much better last time. And the airport was met, and the car was already completely ready, along with the documents. This time I had to wait a long time and at the appointed time the car did not have time to issue. On the second day, they found small things from other customers. Whether the car was washed superficially, or not at all. For the first time such, usually the distributor does not fail and I always remain satisfied.