Gorące oferty w New Delhi, New Delhi Downtown, India przez dostawcę BookingCar
Odkrywaj New Delhi w wynajętym samochodzie
Planując wakacje, wynajmij samochód w BookingCar w New Delhi. Znajdź wszystkie potrzebne informacje o firmach wynajmujących od specjalistów na BookingCar-Europe.com. India słynie z zabytków, które najlepiej zwiedzać wypożyczonym pojazdem. Wybierz niezawodną wypożyczalnię, taką jak BookingCar w New Delhi.My wife and I planned a rather extreme vacation in India and decided to rent a car in order to at least partially feel comfort and safety. Did it through Bookingcar, as usual. They gave us a good car, but we realized that driving a rented car there without insurance was not the right decision. The movement is such that you can just go crazy, and the rules of the road ... they simply do not exist. In general, I advise you to think through everything in advance and be sure to take insurance. Because there is a very high probability of getting into an accident there, and if you find yourself without insurance, then everything will cost a lot.
Dmitriy Kuchumov , 03 Może 2020