Gorące oferty w Bologna, Italy
Odkrywaj Bologna w wynajętym samochodzie
Podróżując do malowniczego miasta Bologna, nie sposób obejść się bez wypożyczonego samochodu. W całym mieście działa wiele wypożyczalni samochodów: Airport, Railway Station, Downtown and others. Nie warto się martwić o poruszanie się w inny sposób. Pamiętaj tylko, aby poznać przepisy ruchu drogowego i zwracać uwagę na znaki drogowe podczas podróży do Bologna.Lista<br>lokalizacji w tym mieście:
Wypożyczalnie w tym mieście:
The rental was issued on the website, and the cancellation insurance was issued. She was not needed, and we traveled in Italy by car, not very new, but as cheap as possible.
Sometimes I book cars from local distributors, but I often try to use the services of this company. In general, there is something to compare with. In my account there are already more than 20 leased cars and what is surprising, here I always come across cars with a minimum mileage. Navigator failed, however, several times, but it's even better, because we managed to find several tasty places, which only local people know about. On the racks basically do not get on the queue, the refund passes quickly. Many people write about fines, I did not encounter this.
Booked SMART FORTWO COUPE AUTOMATICA from Sicily by Car. At first a little upset, because the car seemed cramped for two, and we had a lot of things. But then, as they began to ride around the city, they realized that they made a very right choice. The machine is very compact and manoeuvrable. Driving along narrow streets is not a problem at all. And in parking lots is much easier. The issue / return passed very quickly. I like the distributor.
Advantageous booking conditions