- Najlepsze oferty
- Szanowane wypożyczalnie samochodów
- Ubezpieczenie od kradzieży i następstw nieszczęśliwych wypadków
- Ubezpieczenie kaucji
Odkrywaj San Francisco w wynajętym samochodzie
Planując podróż, wynajmij samochód w Europcar w San Francisco. Warto rezerwować tylko u zaufanych firm z dobrymi ocenami za pośrednictwem BookingCar-Europe.com. USA California to kraj nieprzewidywalnych przygód. Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć jak najwięcej, wynajmij pojazd w Europcar w San Francisco.
Wynajem samochodu jest łatwy dzięki BookingCar
szeroki wachlarz możliwości wynajmu samochodów
Bookingcar oferuje szeroką gamę opcji wynajmu samochodów. Z nami możesz wybrać samochód dowolnej klasy, który najlepiej odpowiada Twoim potrzebom.
korzystne ceny
Nasze ceny należą do najlepszych na rynku. Sam zobacz!
Profesjonalne wsparcie 24/7
Nasze profesjonalne call center pomoże Ci zrozumieć wszystkie zawiłości związane z wynajmem samochodu. Gwarantujemy pełne wsparcie przez cały okres wynajmu.
lub podobne

cena za 3 dni
€ 169.94
lub podobne

cena za 3 dni
€ 172.78
lub podobne

cena za 3 dni
€ 472.97
2020 - 08 - 16
Ocena BookingCar: 
Ocena Europcar: 
The car cost just ridiculous money, although I rented an economy class. Now it is already so affordable that first of all I rent a car, and then I look for a hotel and everything else. Although I used to think that I would not be able to afford it.
2020 - 08 - 10
Ocena BookingCar: 
Ocena Europcar: 
The SUV itself was normal, but there were few problems with fuel.
2020 - 07 - 16
Ocena BookingCar: 
Ocena Europcar: 
I needed to cancel my reservation because the trip was frustrated and the money for the car was not returned to me. They explained that the amount of the advance payment was somehow minimal, and in this case they do not expose a fine, but at the same time they do not return the money either. So I could use, for example, a reservation voucher, but the problem is that the plans have changed dramatically and not in a week, not in a month, I no longer had to go. Then I realized that all this was written on the site, but then I did not even pay attention to it.
2020 - 07 - 15
Ocena BookingCar: 
Ocena Europcar: 
Spent a week cool! It was worth renting a car, as soon as the opportunity appeared to realize more plans. For the price, everything is quite acceptable. Our budget was small, but it did not stop.
2018 - 12 - 07
Ocena BookingCar: 
Ocena Europcar: 
I had an important business trip and the head offered to pay for a rental car. I used this service for the first time and, of course, worried about how it will be, even though the company paid for everything. With luck I was lucky, in vain only I was worried. The car was given a good, and most importantly, the Bookingcar staff conducted a briefing on what to do in emergency situations.