Gorące oferty w Miami, USA Florida przez dostawcę SIXT
Odkrywaj Miami w wynajętym samochodzie
Planując podróż do , koniecznie sporządź listę ciekawych miejsc do zobaczenia. Wypożycz samochód od SIXT, aby się poruszać i niczego nie przegapić. Dzięki SIXT możesz wybierać spośród szerokiej gamy wynajmowanych pojazdów.I needed a car for 5 days to drive with my family to different places. I will not say that I spent a lot of time looking for a car and documents. In general, everything is simple. If you have used similar sites before, then the more quickly you can figure it out. The plus or minus system is the same. Only prices are lower.
Bert A., 21 Lipiec 2020
I was afraid that I could not find a rental car, because the city itself is expensive compared to the province and, accordingly, the price of cars is also higher. In addition, I had little time before departure. But what was my surprise that on this site the rental price is an order of magnitude lower and part of the insurance is included in the indicated amount.
Elijah Robinson, 06 Lipiec 2020