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Odkrywaj Larnaca w wynajętym samochodzie
Wypożyczyć auto przez dostawcę 7777 Rent w z BookingCar - opłacalnie, wygodnie i łatwo.
W przypadku jakichkolwiek problemów związanych z wypożyczonym samochodem firma BookingCar rozstrzyga je najszybciej jak to możliwe.
Będziemy tam dla Ciebie 24 godziny na dobę.
Zapraszamy do kontaktu pod adresem +33 18 28 849 41.
Wynajem samochodu jest łatwy dzięki BookingCar
szeroki wachlarz możliwości wynajmu samochodów
Bookingcar oferuje szeroką gamę opcji wynajmu samochodów. Z nami możesz wybrać samochód dowolnej klasy, który najlepiej odpowiada Twoim potrzebom.
korzystne ceny
Nasze ceny należą do najlepszych na rynku. Sam zobacz!
Profesjonalne wsparcie 24/7
Nasze profesjonalne call center pomoże Ci zrozumieć wszystkie zawiłości związane z wynajmem samochodu. Gwarantujemy pełne wsparcie przez cały okres wynajmu.
Nissan March
lub podobne

Zaoszczędź na tej ofercie 18%
cena za 3 dni
€ 52.96
€ 43.43
Nissan Note
lub podobne

Zaoszczędź na tej ofercie 18%
cena za 3 dni
€ 105.91
€ 86.85
Mercedes-Benz C Class
lub podobne

Zaoszczędź na tej ofercie 18%
cena za 3 dni
€ 254.20
€ 208.44
2018 - 07 - 24
Ocena BookingCar: 
Ocena 7777 Rent: 
Were very satisfied with the rental car
2018 - 06 - 18
Ocena BookingCar: 
Ocena 7777 Rent: 
We rented a car an hour before departure from Moscow. We put the rental time from 16.00, in Larnaka were about 14 and we got a call from the office (tracked by the flight number) and offered to take the car at once, with the rental time left with 16, which was a plus. It is also a huge plus that they meet at the airport and then also take back. A small surprise was with bail and insurance. There are 2 options, either it is blocked by 600 euro on the card, or 100 euros and the insurance is 10evro / day. Since the cost of rent was significantly lower than that of others, it did not bother us much. Issued a document indicating all the dents. Very patiently reacted to our thorough inspection of the machine))) On the last day we carried the flight and needed to extend the car until 22.00. Unfortunately, the office raved up to 20.00, but we went to a meeting and we left the car in the parking lot at the airport, which saved us a lot. At first we were a little afraid that we could be attributed some dents and scratches, but everything is fine. The deposit of 100 euro was returned to the card early in the morning without any problems and delays.
2017 - 12 - 13
Ocena BookingCar: 
Ocena 7777 Rent: 
I love Cyprus and I always rent a car to see new cities in my next trip. I do not change the rolling company, I consider this to be the best for all criteria. I like a well-chosen team, which is nice to deal with. Still never was that to me have spoiled impression, having given out the faulty car or in time without answering questions. There are queues on the racks, but this can not be avoided. It is necessary to wait, how many it is necessary.